Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Speech Problems??

Sydney turned 3 in February. When we took her for her 3 year check up the pediatrician started his speech therapy song and dance just like he did at her 2nd year check up.
I personally have never noticed anything wrong with her speech. She, like most kids, leaves out the -ing sometimes, or replaces -d with a -b sound. Sometimes other people would have to ask what she is saying, but isn't it that way with most children her age?

Anyway, at the 3 year check up, he told us that we needed to contact our school board agency ASAP and get Syd started in speech therapy. I was so skeptical about doing so, but I figured that the Dr. would know better than me, and I want her to be successful in school, so I contacted them.

The first step was a meeting with a few school board reps. So we found ourselves in a cramped little room, with several older gentleman, who have doctorates in education. They "observed" Sydney for all of 10 minutes. Then quickly concurred with the Dr. They said she was a definite candidate for speech therapy, and had a certified school therapist contact us.

So today at 1, we took her to one of the local elementary schools to meet with the therapists. They played with her, and gave her little tests for about an hour. Talked with us about her speech habits, and said, "These guys are crazy!! Sydney has no speech delays, she is actually a bit ABOVE her age level!"

Yay Sydney!! I knew I should have listened to my gut-mother instincts and not even called anybody about it to start with.
Stupid school boards...stupid pediatricians :)

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