Monday, April 20, 2009

A 911 weekend in review

So I was on midnights this weekend. 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. FUN FUN FUN!!!

My schedule is a bit hard to keep up with so I'll explain it to you..

Ok so I started midnight shift on Monday April 13th.
So I work Monday & Tuesday
Off on Wednesday & Thursday
Back to work on Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Then off Monday & Tuesday
Work Wednesday & Thursday
Off Friday Saturday & Sunday

Which brings us to Monday the 27th where I start back on daylights 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Work the same as above. Then repeat.
It's difficult at first but you eventually get the hang of it.

Unfortunately, your body doesn't. I never feel like I have enough sleep.
But anyway back to the subject at hand.

Friday night started out pretty slow. But didn't take long for it to pick up speed.
We had several shoplifting incidents, a few domestic disputes. Then my partner (aka the bane of my existance) went home at 1 a.m. Which means I got slammed.
I had a wreck called in. An intoxicated person stole a truck, hit a telephone pole, thereby breaking it in half, and the transformer off of the pole broke as well, sending slick oil all over the road. The intoxicated driver was smart enough to realize he better get the heck out of dodge and was gone by the time my deputy showed up.
Followed that up with the everyday loud music/party calls. And was able to be in bed Saturday morning by 8.

Back up at 1:30. Spent the rest of the day playing with my Sydney.

Back to work Saturday night at 7. Where upon all hell broke loose!!! Basically all b.s. type calls but enough of them to keep us hopping. I did get called a f-ing *itch though. Which always makes me laugh. Some lady locked her keys in her car at 4 in the morning, didn't like the fact that all of the deputies were tied up on actual emergencies. And proceeded to cuss me out. Oh well, wasn't the first time and certainly won't be the last.
My relief on Sunday morning decided that they needed to be a half hour late without telling me. I was pissed!!! So I didn't get in bed until 10 something.

Back up at 3 so we could take Ms. Sydney over to feed her baby calf (pictures to follow in another blog post)

Back to work Sunday night, which was a repeat of Saturday for the most part.

People really start to piss me off after 36 hours of listening to them.

Don't get me wrong, I love my job. I love helping people. But when it's the same people over and over who refuse to help themselves, it kind of makes you feel crummy.

Anyway, I have the next 2 off and I plan on enjoying them to the hilt. Even if the weather is crappy.


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