Monday, April 20, 2009

I was thinking

I was thinking that maybe I should introduce myself and my family, so you'll know more about me. Might make things a little easier to read about :)

I suppose I should start with me, I never really know what to say, so I'm gonna wing it. I'm Autumn. Sydney's VERY proud mommy!!! I work as a 911 dispatcher, the fancy title being Communications Officer, for our county's Sheriffs Office. I love my job. I feel like I am contributing to society, and helping people who really need it out. I am also a volunteer fireman...firewoman I guess.
I have lived in this same small county my whole life, and hope to stay here until the end. I can't imagine living anywhere else.
I have the best Mom and Dad ever, along with the greatest big brother. We are all super close! I love having dinner when all of us are together. Although the volume is very loud, as we all try to outdo each other with telling stories!
I have lots of good friends. But they are all mainly people I work with. Reason being--if you don't work in law enforcement you don't really understanstand what we go through. I mostly like staying at home, probably because too many criminals know who I am, and I don't want to introduce them to my family.
Yeah so that's enough I have no idea what else to say about me.

Meet Scotty, aka Medic Daddy. Yes, he is on the teeter totter thing at the play ground. But not to worry Sydney is on the other end.

He grew up in Massachusttes (sp) and moved to Virginia after he graduated to attend Virginia Tech. He was raised on a dairy farm, along with his 2 older sisters and 1 older brother. He has a degree from Tech in computer something or other (sorry for not knowing the fancy name) but he makes a living running EMS, as a medic. Sometimes he thinks he should get a "real" computer job, but I think he should keep on doing what he loves best...saving people. Mainly because he is damn good at it.

He is the best Daddy Sydney could ever have asked for. He doesn't get to see his family as much as he wants too, but my family has pretty much adopted him.

This is Sydney!! She just turned 3 on February 24th. She is the sweetest little girl ever. She is smart, funny and never meets a person she doesn't want to be friends with.( I worry about that sometimes though) There is never a dull moment when she is around. She is a big PePaw's girl. When he's around the rest of us become chopped liver! She loves cheese, chocolate, trains, baseball, and her John Deere boots. She will rarely ever wear any other shoes. She even wants to sleep in them. She is a tomboy, just like her mom was. She has zero interest in dolls or anything else that can be seen as girly!
She is the light of our lives!!

And last but not least our cat, Callie. In this photo she is doing what she does best of course. We went to the animal shelter back in October just to look around. When we came through the cat room door, Sydney said, "Mommeeeee, that's my kitty!" So she came home with us. Lucky for her too, she only had until the end of the day to find a home before....well you know. I think this cat is a saint or an angel. Sydney loves to chase her and love on her. And Callie puts up with it.

So in a small nutshell that's me and my family!!!


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